Why is my ebook not showing?
We understand you want to view the ebook but it is not appearing. The reason is due to Flash's security settings when running a flash website locally. Don't worry, you can still view your ebook by doing one of the following steps:
- Upload your files to a web server and access the ebook through the Internet
- Open the Flash Player Settings Manager by visiting http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.html. In the panel, click on the dropdown list labeled Edit locations... and choose Add location... Copy the folder path of your ebook folder (e.g. C:\Users\Main\Documents\My_Ebook_Web), paste it into the field, and click Confirm. Now this location is trusted. Refresh this window to see your ebook in action.
For further help, please contact us at kotobee.com/contact